Table 1.
Ordered Logistic Regression Results.
(1) Dependent variable: Vaccine acceptance | |
mRNA | −0.153*** (0.021) [OR=0.858] |
Adoption rate (Baseline: 0%) | |
20% | 0.842*** (0.032) [OR=2.321] |
40% | 0.948*** (0.032) [OR=2.581] |
60% | 1.024*** (0.032) [OR=2.784] |
80% | 1.186*** (0.033) [OR=3.276] |
Female | −0.278*** (0.021) [OR=0.758] |
Age | 0.015*** (0.001) [OR=1.016] |
Years of schooling (Baseline: ≤6) | |
7–9 | −0.056 (0.053) [OR=0.945] |
10–12 | −0.067 (0.044) [OR=0.935] |
>12 | 0.177*** (0.041) [OR=1.193] |
Country (Baseline: USA) | |
Brazil | 1.024*** (0.047) [OR=2.784] |
China | 0.818*** (0.045) [OR=2.266] |
Germany | 0.038 (0.044) [OR=1.039] |
India | 0.810*** (0.044) [OR=2.247] |
Indonesia | 0.718*** (0.046) [OR=2.049] |
Mexico | 1.099*** (0.047) [OR=3.002] |
Russia | −0.617*** (0.044) [OR=0.540] |
UK | 0.619*** (0.045) [OR=1.856] |
Pseudo R2 | 0.051 |
Observations | 35,173 |
Notes: Table reports estimates from multivariate ordered logistic regression model. The dependent variable is vaccine acceptance, which takes on five values (0 = “Very unlikely”, …, 4 = “Very likely”). Estimated coefficients are shown, with standard errors in parentheses and odds ratios in square brackets. * p < 0.005 ** p < 0.001 *** p < 0.0001.