Please tell me about your overall experience. |
Please describe your emotions and thoughts as best as you can remember. |
Do you remember any loss of functioning during the procedure? |
Do you remember the motor mapping? What was that experience like for you? |
What was the most stressful or uncomfortable aspect of the procedure? |
Was anything helpful/beneficial in alleviating that stress or discomfort? |
Did you experience any pain during the procedure? |
Was it addressed? |
Did you experience any anxiety during the procedure? |
Was anything helpful/beneficial in alleviating or easing the anxiety? |
Can you speak of your sense of agency/empowerment during procedure? |
Was there anything that fostered this sense of agency? |
Was there anything that may have diminished this sense of agency? |
Did you use any of the stress management strategies we discussed before the procedure? |
Did you find them helpful/unhelpful? |
If you had to do this again, would you rather an awake craniotomy or an asleep craniotomy? |
Is there anything else you would like to share about this procedure? |
Patient experience rating scales (all ratings on a scale of 0 to 10) |
Please rate the pre-operative preparation provided. |
Please rate your overall pain during the procedure. |
Please rate your overall anxiety during the procedure. |
Please rate your overall distress/discomfort during the procedure. |
Please rate how disturbing the noise was to your experience. |
Please rate your overall sense of agency/empowerment during procedure. |
Please rate how satisfied you were with the anaesthetic management. |
Please rate your overall satisfaction with the procedure. |