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. 2022 May 27;49:101469. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101469

Table 1.

Cardiovascular health metrics by sexa.

Women Men P-value for interaction
N (%) 103,668 (38%) 168,884 (62%)
Smoking <.0001
 Poor: Current 24,811 (23.97%) 55,471 (32.90%) (ref)
 Intermediate: Former or quit ≤12m 1923 (1.86%) 4751 (2.82%) <.0001
 Ideal: Never or quit >12m ago 76,760 (74.17%) 108,362 (64.28%) 0.0004
Body Mass Index <.0001
 Poor: ≥30 kg/m2 12,316 (11.97%) 16,289 (9.70%) (ref)
 Intermediate: 25-29.9 kg/m2 23,597 (22.93%) 66,275 (39.45%) <.0001
 Ideal: <25 kg/m2 66,990 (65.10%) 85,427 (50.85%) 0.0051
Physical Activity
 Poor: No or walking <1 h/day 62,937 (60.72%) 92,609 (54.85%) (ref)
 Ideal: Walking ≥1 h/day 40,709 (39.28%) 76,245 (45.15%) <.0001
Total cholesterol <.0001
 Poor: >6.138 mmol/L 24,236 (23.54%) 43,794 (26.09%) (ref)
 Intermediate: 5.136 – 6.138 mmol/L 37,421 (36.34%) 61,752 (36.79%) <.0001
 Ideal: <5.136 mmol/L 41,321 (40.13%) 62,320 (37.12%) <.0001
Fasting glucose <.0001
 Poor: >6.938 mmol/L 2,041 (1.98%) 5,896 (3.51%) (ref)
 Intermediate: 5.55- 6.938 mmol/L 25,081 (24.33%) 68,143 (40.57%) 0.02
 Ideal: <5.55 mmol/L 75,946 (73.69%) 93,928 (55.92%) <.0001
Blood Pressure <.0001
 Poor: ≥140/90 mmHg 21,545 (21.46%) 47,770 (29.15%) (ref)
 Intermediate: 120-139/80-89 mmHg 42,343 (42.18%) 85,336 (52.07%) <.0001
 Ideal: <120/80 mmHg 36,508 (36.36%) 30,785 (18.78%) <.0001
Depressive symptoms: Yes 11,820 (11.40%) 9052 (5.36%) <.0001
Education level* <.0001
 Low 11,165 (19.84%) 14,537 (15.77%) (ref)
 Intermediate 24,306 (43.20%) 35,023 (38.00%) <.0001
 High 20,793 (36.96%) 42,616 (46.23%) <.0001
EPICES deprivation score* <.0001
 Low 14,298 (32.90%) 29,606 (41.80%) (ref)
 Intermediate 12,394 (28.52%) 19,948 (28.30%) <.0001
 High 16,762 (38.57%) 21,281 (30.04%) <.0001

SI conversion factors: To convert total cholesterol values to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0259; to convert glucose values to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0555


Individuals were matched by age and depression status.

Education and EPICES deprivation score were available from 2001 and 2003, respectively.

Note: All individuals with available cardiovascular health metrics were included in trend analyses for each specific metric; therefore, sample sizes might vary by cardiovascular health metrics.

CVH = cardiovascular health.