Preferential localization of CCR10+ lymphocytes around growing hair follicles correlates with high CCL27 expression by follicular keratinocytes
(A) Representative immunofluorescent skin sections (14μm) stained with anti-CCL27 antibody. The dashed lines mark the epidermal surface of the skin. N = 7 mice for D0, 1 week, and adult ages, six mice for 2 weeks.
(B) Immunofluorescent microscopic images of anti-CCL27 antibody-stained skin sections (14μm) at resting (telogen) and growing (anagen) phases of HF cycling in adult mice. N = 3 mice for each phase.
(C) Fluorescent images (7μm) representative of skin at telogen and anagen phases of hair follicle cycling stained by in situ hybridization with an antisense CCL27 RNA probe or a nonspecific RNA probe as the control. The control probe recognizes the DapB gene (accession # EF191515) of a soil bacterial strain Bacillus subtilis SMY. N = 3 mice per HF cycle phase. N = 3 mice for each phase.
(D) Anti-CCL27 antibody immunofluorescent staining images of 14μm skin sections of SPF and GF mice.
(E) Real-time RT-PCR analysis of CCL27 expression in the skin of SPF and GF mice, normalized to β-actin. N = 5 mice for 2-week-old GF, seven for 2-week-old SPF, seven for adult GF, and five for adult SPF. Unpaired one-tailed t-test.