Fig. 5.
Fitness of evolved mutations changes upon environmental perturbation. Relative fitness was estimated against a fluorescent version of the respective ancestor. a) Fitness of evolved clones, H06-C and F04-D, and of KRE6 allele from population F04 engineered into the ancestral background were assayed in the different conditions as annotated on the first panel. T-test significance, annotated in black on top of the graphs, is with respect to the experimental condition (ns, not significant; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.001; ***P < 0.0001). T-test significance annotated in green is between the well-mixed (with and without antibiotics) environments. b) Mutations that emerged during haploid evolution (left panel) or loss-of-function mutations of genes mutated during haploid evolution (right panel) were engineered in the ancestral background and fitness was assayed in a static (evolutionary) and a well-mixed environment, shown on the x- and y-axis, respectively. Error bars represent SE from at least three replicate assays.