ToBRFV multiplication in wt and Sltom1 mutant plants. A, ToBRFV CP accumulation in wt, Sltom1 single- (a, b, c, and d), double- (ab, ac, ad, bc, bd, and cd), triple- (abc, abd, acd, and bcd), and quadruple- (abcd) mutant and Tm-22 plants. Inoculated cotyledons were harvested at 7 dpi and CP accumulation was examined by SDS-PAGE (NuPAGE; Invitrogen, 12%) and Coomassie blue staining. Each lane corresponds to an individual plant. The rightmost five plants in the lower panel were inoculated with ToMV. Samples prepared in parallel from noninoculated plants were analyzed for comparison and are indicated by asterisks. M: Protein Marker Precision Plus Protein Dual Color Standards (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). Positions of ToBRFV and ToMV CP bands are indicated by “CP.” Numbers represent approximate molecular masses of the marker proteins in kilodalton. Only the relevant parts of the gels with the CP bands were shown in this figure and whole gel images are provided in Supplemental Figure S3. B, ToBRFV-inoculated wt and Sltom1 quadruple-mutant plants. Uninoculated plants grown side-by-side are shown for comparison. ToBRFV-inoculated and uninoculated plants are shown by “+” and “-,” respectively. Photographs were taken at 21 dpi. Scale bars represent 5 cm.