Table 1.
Notations and nomenclatures.
FPS | Farthest Point Sampling |
VBS | Voxelization-based Sampling |
VFPS | Voxelized Farthest Point Sampling |
DNFEB | Double-Neighborhood Feature Extraction Block |
DGFFM | Double-Granularity Feature Fusion Module |
AM | Attention Module |
CA | Channel attention |
SA | Spatial attention |
DHL | Double-hinge Loss |
GT | Ground truth |
MLP | Multilayer perceptron |
ReLU | Rectified linear unit activation |
PE | Position encoding |
EC | EdgeConv operation |
AP | Attentive pooling |
| |
F c , Ff | Feature maps after decoding |
F DGF | Aggregated feature map after DGFFM |
L, Lsem, Lins, LDHL, Ls, Ld, Lreg | The loss functions |
C | The number of semantic classes |
N | The number of points in a point cloud |
p i | A point in XYZ space |
f i , ri, hi, fi′, fei | A point vector in feature space |
K | The parameter of KNN |
α, β, γ, δs, δd | Parameters for loss functions |
∪ | Feature concatenation |
max[∙] | The maximum value across the inputs |
IoU[∙, ∙] | IoU of the two entities |
MLP[∙] | MLP operation with shared parameters |