Extended Data Figure 1 ∣. Analysis of the oligomerization states of (AB)2, (AC)2, and (BC)2 variants.
a, Sedimentation velocity/AUC analysis of the oligomerization state of (AB)2 (black), (AC)2 (red), and (BC)2 (blue) at 25 μM dimer concentration. The inset shows a higher-order oligomer population of (BC)2. Guinier analysis of b, AB (black), c, AC, and d, BC constructs measured by solution small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) at 0.8 mM dimer concentration. Larger I(0) values in (AC)2 and (BC)2 indicate higher oligomeric states compared to (AB)2. Radius of gyration (Rg) value of (AB)2 corresponds to approximately 25 kDa in Mw–Rg relationship of globular proteins72, indicating a dimeric state for (AB)2.