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. 2022 Jun 1;18:210. doi: 10.1186/s12917-022-03318-0

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics and unadjusted univariable associations from logistic regression models between animal-level BVD serology test status and temporal, animal-, and herd-level independent variables

Independent variable BVD antibody -ve (%) BVD antibody + ve (%) Total OR Lower 95%CI Upper 95%CI P-Value
  2017 1071 (91.15) 104 (8.85) 1175 1.000 referent
  2018 2286 (94.42) 135 (5.58) 2421 0.608 0.466 0.793  < 0.001
  2020 2742 (96.11) 111 (3.89) 2853 0.417 0.316 0.550  < 0.001
 Age – months (quartiles)
  10–23 1500 (93.05) 112 (6.95) 1,612 1.000 referent
  24–25 1284 (95.11) 66 (4.89) 1,350 0.688 0.019 0.503 0.942
  26–27 1365 (93.88) 89 (6.12) 1,454 0.873 0.356 0.655 1.164
  28–30 1950 (95.92) 89 (4.08) 2,033 0.570 0.000 0.426 0.763
  Aberdeen Angus 1,116 (94.98) 59 (5.02) 1175 1.000 referent
  Charolais 1,124 (95.09) 58 (4.91) 1182 0.976 0.673 1.416 0.898
  Friesian 1,170 (93.23) 85 (6.77) 1255 1.374 0.976 1.935 0.069
  Hereford 892 (94.99) 47 (5.01) 939 0.997 0.673 1.477 0.987
  Limousin 1,137 (94.51) 66 (5.49) 1203 1.098 0.765 1.575 0.612
  Other 660 (94.96) 35 (5.04) 695 1.003 0.653 1.541 0.989
  Male 3513 (95.44) 168 (4.56) 3681 0.679 0.548 0.843  < 0.001
  Female 2,586 (93.42) 182 (6.58) 2768 1.000 referent
 Movement (different last herd to birth herd)
  No 1733 (94.49) 101 (6.51) 1,834 1.000 referent
  Yes 4366 (94.6) 249 (5.43) 4,615 0.979 0.771 1.241 0.858
 Moved during previous year
  No 1677 (94.59) 96 (5.41) 1,773 1.000 referent
  Yes 4422 (94.57) 254 (5.43) 4,676 1.003 0.735 1.370 0.983
 Herd Type (last)
  Beef 337 (92.84) 26 (7.16) 363 1.160 0.761 1.770 0.489
  Dairy 3,264 (93.77) 217 (6.23) 3481 1.000 referent
  Suckler 2,192 (96.31) 84 (3.69) 2276 0.576 0.446 0.746  < 0.001
  Other 306 (93.01) 23 (6.99) 329 1.131 0.724 1.765 0.589
 Birth Herd size (quartiles)
  < 60 (mean: 33.7) 1515 (95.83) 66 (4.17) 1,581 referent
  60–119 (mean:88.9) 1548 (94.39) 92 (5.61) 1,640 1.364 0.987 1.886 0.06
  120–201 (mean: 157.4) 1536 (95.17) 78 (4.83) 1,614 1.166 0.834 1.630 0.37
  202–1574 (mean: 352.7) 1500 (92.94) 114 (7.06) 1,614 1.745 1.278 2.382  < 0.001
 Last Herd size (quartiles)
  < 52 (mean: 28.9) 1537 (96.00) 64 (4.00) 1,601 referent
  53–109 (mean: 80.6) 1543 (95.66) 70 (4.34) 1,613 1.089 0.771 1.540 0.628
  110–225 (mean: 160.3) 1519 (93.88) 99 (6.12) 1,618 1.565 1.134 2.160 0.006
  226–3755 (mean: 451.2) 1500 (92.76) 117 (7.24) 1,617 1.873 1.370 2.561  < 0.001
 PI Birth herd year status
  Absent 5890 (95.52) 276 (4.48) 6166 1.000 referent
  Present 209 (73.85) 74 (26.15) 283 7.556 5.339 10.694  < 0.001
 PI Last herd year status
  Absent 6003 (94.92) 321 (5.08) 6,324 1.000 referent
  Present 96 (76.8) 29 (23.2) 125 5.649 3.674 8.686  < 0.001