Table 2.
Degree of leaves visibly wilted, plant growth index (PGI), relative chlorophyll content [Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) value], water content of leaves and stems, stem water potential (ψstem), and leaf curling index of Shepherdia ×utahensis at eight substrate volumetric water content treatments (θt).
Water contenty | |||||||
θt (m3·m−3) | Leaves wilted (1–5 scale)z | PGIy | SPAD | Leaf (%) | Stem (%) | ψstem (MPa) | Leaf curling indexx |
0.40 | 4.7 abv | 33.4 a | 58.9 a | 59.2 a | 62.7 a | −0.82 ab | 0.04 bc |
0.35 | 4.8 a | 33.2 a | 58.2 a | 62.6 a | 63.6 a | −0.65 a | 0.05 bc |
0.30 | 4.7 ab | 36.7 a | 58.3 a | 59.7 a | 60.4 a | −0.90 ab | 0.02 c |
0.25 | 3.7 bc | 23.1 b | 56.1 ab | 58.1 a | 58.5 ab | −1.95 bc | 0.06 bc |
0.20 | 3.4 cd | 22.6 b | 52.1 ab | 57.1 a | 58.7 ab | −1.45 b | 0.03 bc |
0.15 | 2.2 de | 17.2 b | 49.0 abc | 51.1 a | 49.9 b | −1.98 c | 0.10 abc |
0.10 | 1.9 e | 18.3 b | 43.4 bc | 51.2 a | 52.4 b | −1.97 bc | 0.11 ab |
0.05 | 1.0 e | 17.6 b | 34.9 c | 23.3 b | 36.8 c | −5.76w | 0.17 a |
Linear | **u | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
Quadratic | NS | NS | NS | *** | *** | NS | NS |
Cubic | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | * | **** |
1 = over 65% of the leaves wilted; 2 = 35–65% of the leaves wilted; 3 = up to 35% of the leaves wilted; 4 = less than 10% of the leaves wilted; and 5 = plant was fully turgid (Zollinger et al., 2006).
Plant growth index = [(height + length + width)/3], while water content of leaves and stems was calculated using the equation: [fresh weight (FW) − dry weight (DW)/FW x 100% (Zhou et al., 2021).
Leaf curling index was determined using the equation: [distance between the margins of flattened leaf (Dmax)-distance between the margins of curling leaf (Di)]/Dmax (Nilsen, 1987).
Only two data were recorded due to high plant mortality.
Means with same lowercase letters within a column are not significantly different among treatments by Tukey–Kramer method with a significance level specified at 0.05.
NS, *, **, ***, **** Nonsignificant, significant at p ≤ 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, or 0.0001, respectively.