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. 2021 Aug 21;77(6):1239–1244. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glab245

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of Study Sample, Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study

Overall Developed CHD Did Not Develop CHD p Value
Age, years, mean (SD) 70.2 (3.9) 70.3 (3.7) 70.0 (4.0) .27
Race/ethnicity, no. (%)
 White 518 (89.6) 267 (89.3) 251 (90.0) .84
 African American 43 (7.4) 22 (7.4) 21 (7.5)
 Hispanic 17 (2.9) 10 (3.3) 7 (2.5)
Educational level*, no. (%)
 Less than high school 43 (7.5) 25 (8.4) 18 (6.5) .14
 High school 129 (22.4) 62 (20.8) 67 (24.2)
 Some college 233 (40.5) 132 (44.3) 101 (36.5)
 College graduate 170 (29.6) 79 (26.5) 91 (32.9)
Smoking status, no. (%)
 Never smoker 314 (55.2) 155 (52.5) 159 (58.0) .41
 Past smoker 218 (38.3) 119 (40.3) 99 (36.1)
 Current smoker 37 (6.5) 21 (7.1) 16 (5.8)
Alcohol consumption, no. (%)
 Nondrinker 82 (14.3) 34 (11.5) 48 (17.3) .002
 Past drinker 96 (16.7) 64 (21.6) 32 (11.6)
 Current drinker 396 (69.0) 199 (67.0) 197 (71.1)
Body mass index, kg/m2, mean (SD) 28.6 (5.5) 28.9 (5.4) 28.2 (5.7) .11
Diabetes§, no. (%) 43 (7.5) 35 (11.7) 8 (2.9) <.001
Hypertension, no. (%) 323 (56.0) 200 (66.9) 123 (44.2) <.001
LDL cholesterol, mmol/L, mean (SD) 154.9 (38.3) 157.1 (38.0) 152.5 (38.6) .16
IEAA, mean (SD) −0.04 (5.27) 0.01 (5.47) −0.10 (5.05) .80
EEAA, mean (SD) 0.15 (6.73) 0.52 (6.87) −0.24 (6.56) .18
AgeAccelGrim, mean (SD) −0.28 (3.58) −0.03 (3.55) −0.54 (3.60) .09
AgeAccelPheno, mean (SD) −0.12 (7.01) 0.20 (7.37) −0.47 (6.59) .25

Notes: AgeAccelGrim = epigenetic age acceleration according to GrimAge clock; AgeAccelPheno = epigenetic age acceleration according to PhenoAge clock; CHD = coronary heart disease; EEAA = extrinsic epigenetic age acceleration; IEAA = intrinsic epigenetic age acceleration; LDL = low density lipoprotein; SD = standard deviation. N for overall sample = 578; N for developed CHD = 299; N for did not develop CHD = 279.

*Out of 575 women (298 with CHD; 277 without CHD).

Out of 569 women (295 with CHD; 274 without CHD).

Out of 574 women (297 with CHD; 277 without CHD).

§Out of 575 women (299 with CHD; 276 without CHD).

Out of 577 women (299 with CHD; 278 without CHD).