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. 2022 May 5;11:e72601. doi: 10.7554/eLife.72601

Table 1. Measures for cells segmented on surface projections (2.5D).

Measure Unit Description
Area µm2 Area of the cell (sum of its triangle area)
Aspect ratio - Ratio of length major axis and length minor axis (see below)
Average radius µm Average distance from the center of gravity of a cell to its border
Junction distance µm Max or min distance between neighboring junctions of a cell
Length major axis µm Length of the major axis of the 2D shape analysis (computes a PCA on the triangle positions weighted by their area)
Length minor axis µm Length of the minor axis of the 2D shape analysis (computes a PCA on the triangle positions weighted by their area)
Maximum radius µm Maximum distance from the cell center to its border
Minimum radius µm Minimum distance from the cell center to its border
Perimeter µm Sum of the length of the border segments of a cell
Circularity - Perimeter^2/(4*PI*Area)
Lobeyness - Ratio of cell perimeter to convex hull perimeter
(1 for convex shapes)
Rectangularity - Ratio of cell area to the area of the smallest rectangle that can contain the cell
(1 for rectangular shapes, lower values for irregular shapes)
Solidarity - Ratio of the convex hull area to the cell area
(1 for convex shapes, higher values for complicated shapes)
Visibility pavement - 1-(visibility stomata) (see below)
Visibility stomata - Estimate of visibility in the cell
1 for convex shapes, decreases with the complexity of the contour
Bezier coord µm Associated Bezier coordinate of a cell
Requires a Bezier grid
Bezier line coord µm Associated Bezier coordinate of a cell
Requires a Bezier curve
Cell coordinate µm Cartesian coordinate of a cell
Cell distance µm/cells Distance to the nearest selected cell (finds the shortest path to a selected cell through the cell connectivity graph, edge weights: Euclidean, cell number or 1/wall area)
Distance to Bezier µm Euclidean distance to the Bezier curve or grid
Distance to mesh µm Euclidean distance to the nearest vertex in the other mesh
Major axis theta ° Angle between the long axis of the cell and a reference direction
Polar coord °/µm Polar coordinate around a specified Cartesian axis
Neighbors Count Number of neighbors of a cell
Betweenness centrality - Computes the betweenness centrality of the cell connectivity graph
Edges can be weighted by the length of the shared wall between neighboring cells
Betweenness current flow - Computes the betweenness current flow of the cell connectivity graph
Edges can be weighted by the length of the shared wall between neighboring cells
Signal border Average amount of border signal in a cell
Signal interior Average amount of interior signal in a cell
Signal parameters Advanced and general process that allows the setting of parameters to compute different kinds of signal quantifications
Signal total Average amount of total (=border + interior) signal in a cell
Other measure processes
Mesh/lineage tracking/heat map proliferation Cells Proliferation
Mesh/cell axis/custom/custom direction angle ° Angle between a cell axis and a custom axis
Mesh/division analysis/compute division plane angles ° Angle between division planes and/or cell axes

PCA: principal component analysis.