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. 2022 May 25;2022:5769555. doi: 10.1155/2022/5769555

Table 4.

Overall therapeutic outcome (clinical cure, microbiological cure, and therapeutic cure in both groups).

Variables Bacterial vaginosis Candidiasis Cervicitis uPID
No. of Pt 7(100) 6(100) 0 1(100) 22(100) 22(100) 7(100) 14(100)
Clinical cure
Colour of discharge
D0 White 7(100) 4(66.6) 0 1(100) 4(66.6) 6(27.27) 2(28.57) 4(28.57)
Greyish 0(0) 0 15(68.18) 14(63.63) 2(28.57) 6(42.85)
Yellowish 0(0) 2(33.33) 3(13.63) 2(9.09) 3(42.85) 4(28.57)
Greenish 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
D11-14 Responded 7(100) 0 0 0 17(77.27) 0 5(71.42) 0
Odour of discharge
D0 No-smell 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Foul-smell 7(100) 0(0) 1(100) 19(86.36) 21(95.45) 5(71.42) 8(57.14)
Fishy 0(0) 6(100) 3(13.63) 1(4.54) 2(28.57) 6(42.85)
D11-14 Responded 7(100) 0 0 0 20(90.90) 0 7(100) 0
Amount of discharge
D0 Present 7(100) 6(100) 1(100) 22(100) 22(100) 7(100) 14(100)
D11-14 Responded 7(100) 0 0 10(45.45) 0 5(71.42) 0
D0 Ut. motion tenderness 17(77.27) 18(81.81) 7(100) 14(100)
D11-14 Responded 10(58.82) 0 5(71.42) 0
D0 McPS 7(100) 14(100)
D11 Responded 5(71.42) 0
Microbiological and investigational cure (vaginal smear, pH, pap smear)
D0 pH > 4.5 6(85.7) 5(83.33)
D11-14 Responded 6(100) 0
D0 Clue cells 7(100) 6(100)
Hyphae 1(100)
Pus cells >10 22(100) 21 (95.45) 6(85.71) 13(92.8)
D11-14 Responded 7(100) 0 0 13(59.09) 0 6 7(100)
D0 Whiff test 7(100) 6(100) 7(100)
D11-14 Responded 7(100) 0 7(100)
D0 Pap smear 7(100) 6(100) - 1(100) 22(100) 22(100) 7(100)
D11-14 Responded 7(100) 0 10(45.45) 0 7(100)
Therapeutic cure 7(100) 0 0 0 10(45.45) 0 5(71.42) 0

Data presented were as follows: no (%); AG : Acacia group; PG : placebo group; McPS : Modified McCormack Pain Scale; Pt : patient; uPID (uncomplicated pelvic inflammatory disease)