Extended Data Fig. 9. Characterization of the Fgfr2-signalling pathway in mouse embryos.
a–f, RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) analysis of mouse embryos. a–e, ISH performed on E13.5 embryos indicates that Fgfr2IIIb (but neither Fgfr2IIIc nor Fgfr1) expression is a common feature of pharyngeal epithelia. a, No detectable expression of the Fgfr1 gene in the thymic epithelium (higher magnification in inset). b, The Fgfr2 gene is expressed in epithelia of pharyngeal organs, including the thymus (inset). c, Low levels of expression of Fgfr2IIIc in the thymus. d, Moderate levels of expression of Fgfr2IIIb in the thymus; anatomical structures are indicated. e, Expression of Fgfr2IIIb is present in E13.5 Foxn1-deficient thymic epithelial rudiment and thus independent of Foxn1 activity. f, Expression of Fgf7 (E15.5, middle panel) and Fgf10 (E13.5, bottom panel) genes in the mesenchymal capsule of the thymus (indicated by arrows), but not in the epithelium that is marked by Foxn1 expression (E15.5, upper panel). The capsular zone is indicated with dashed red lines in the inset of each panel. g, qPCR analysis of gene expression patterns in purified thymic mesenchyme (isolated as CD45–EpCAM–CD31–Ly51+ cells) and endothelium (isolated as CD45–EpCAM–CD31+Ly51– cells) of 4-week-old mice; data are shown as mean±s.e.m. n = 3 for all experiments. Enpep encodes the mesenchymal Ly51 marker (note that Enpep is also expressed on cTECs, which unlike mesenchymal cells also express the epithelial marker EpCAM); Cd31 expression marks endothelial cells. This analysis indicates that of the many ligands of Fgfr2b79,80, Fgf7 and Fgf10 are expressed by thymic mesenchyme, but not endothelial cells. Embryo genotypes for a–d, Foxn1+/−, for e, Foxn1−/−; for f and g Foxn1+/+. Panels in a-f are representative of 3 mice. Scale bars, 0.1 mm for main panels; 0.05 mm for insets.