Extended Data Fig. 9. Comparison of P4 and adult Esr1+ ATAC-seq.
a, (left) Overlap between P4 NE-open ATAC peaks and gonadally intact adult male-biased ATAC peaks. (right) Overlap between P4 NE-close ATAC peaks and gonadally intact adult female-biased ATAC peaks. b, Dotplot of BETA enrichment p-values for P4 NE-open ATAC peaks (top) and NE-close ATAC peaks (bottom) at adult BNST snRNA-seq sex DEGs relative to a background of non-differential, expressed genes (see also Fig. 2h). c, Histogram of mean distance between P4 NE-open peaks and nearest gonadally intact adult male-biased ATAC peak (red line) vs. nearest chromosome-matched, non-differential adult ATAC peak (n = 1000 permutations) (blue histogram). Mean distance between P4 NE-open peaks and adult male-biased peaks is significantly smaller than the expected distribution (Permutation test, p = 0.007). d, Example adult male-biased DEGs (Prlr, Cckar, Pdzrn4, Tiparp) with neighboring P4 NE-open (highlighted in yellow) and adult male-biased ATAC peaks (highlighted in purple).