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. 2022 Jun 1;9:255. doi: 10.1038/s41597-022-01361-y

Table 4.

Empatica E4 Signal Description.

Filename Columns Measure Description Unit
ACC.csv Column I Accelerometer x-axis Acceleration of the device along the x-axis m/s2
Column II Accelerometer y-axis Acceleration of the device along the y-axis m/s2
Column III Accelerometer z-axis Acceleration of the device along the z-axis m/s2
BVP.csv Column I BVP The volume of blood that passes through the tissues in the wrist and is used to measure IBI and Heart Rate N/A
HR.csv Column I Heart Rate A derived metric that measures the number of beats per minute based on Blood Volume Pulse bpm
EDA.csv Column I EDA Measurement of the skin conductivity levels μS
IBI.csv Column I Time Time interval Second
Column II IBI Beat-to-beat interval Second
TEMP.csv Column I Skin Temperature The external temperature of the skin Celsius