Experiment-1 of the time courses (y, mean umol/mg protein) with describing model parameter estimates of crude GH5-tCel5A1 enzyme preparation incubated with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and Avicel as the substrate buffers in the presence or absence of N2 gas purging and dithiothreitol (DTT) (5 mM) for up to 90–180 min, respectively, in examining the effects of auto-oxidation on GH5-tCel5A1 hydrolysis. (A) Responses (y, mean , n = 4 at each time point) of the crude GH5-tCel5A1 enzyme preparation incubated with the CMC substrate buffer without N2 gas purging and the DTT (5 mM) for up to 90 min described according to a quadratic model (model parameter estimates as: , P = 0.472 for the intercept; P = 0.009 for the linear parameter estimate; and P < 0.0001 for the quadratic parameter estimate; = 0.927, n = 28; (B) Responses (y, mean , n = 4 at each time point) of the crude GH5-tCel5A1 enzyme preparation incubated with the Avicel substrate buffer without N2 gas purging and DTT (5 mM) for up to 180 min described according to a quartic model (model parameter estimates as: , P = 0.244 for the intercept; P = 0.093 for the linear parameter estimate; P = 0.006 for the quadratic parameter estimate; P = 0.003 for the cubic parameter estimate; and P = 0.002 for the quartic parameter estimate;; (C) Responses (y, mean , n = 4 at each time point) of the crude GH5-tCel5A1 enzyme preparation incubated with the CMC substrate buffer with N2 gas purging with DTT (5 mM) for a total of 90 min established according to a quadratic model (model parameter estimates as: ; P = 0.049 for the intercept; P < 0.0001 for the linear parameter estimate; and P = 0.002 for the quadratic parameter estimate; = 0.837, n = 32; (D) Responses (y, mean , n = 12 at each time point) of the crude tCel5A1 enzyme preparation incubated with the Avicel substrate buffer with N2 gas purging and DTT (5 mM) for up to 180 min established according to a quadratic model (model parameter estimates as: , P = 0.006 for the slope estimate and P = 0.038 for the quadratic parameter estimate; = 0.167, n = 72); (E) the linear part (y, mean , n = 4 at each time point) (0, 7.5 and 15 min) part of the above-(C) time course experiment with the crude GH5-tCel5A1 enzyme preparation incubated with the CMC buffer at 37 °C and pH 7.4 with N2 gas purging and DTT (5 mM) established (model parameter estimates as: , P = 0.096 for the intercept and P < 0.0001 for the slope, = 0.963, n = 12; and (F) the linear part (y, mean , n = 12 at each time point) (0, 15 and 30 min) of the above-(D) time course experiment with the crude tCel5A1 enzyme preparation incubated with the Avicel substrate buffer at 37 °C and pH 7.4 with N2 gas purging and DTT (5 mM) established (model parameter estimates as: , P = 0.909 for the intercept and P < 0.0001 for the slope, .