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. 2022 Jan 26;49(3):282–298. doi: 10.1007/s11414-021-09778-w

Table 6.

Demographic and military service correlates of outcome

Outcome measure Sex Age Marital status
Male Female Test of signif <30 ≥30 Test of signif Married Not married Test of signif


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)

SWLS 22.53 (7.17) 21.66 (6.97) t=0.73 22.33 (7.58) 22.29 (6.61) t=0.036 23.24 (6.54) 21.06 (7.75) t=2.31*
PCS (VR-12) 39.97 (10.96) 43.59 (10.02) t=−2.00* 41.38 (10.85) 39.86 (10.83) t=1.05 39.12 (10.93) 42.80 (10.41) t=−2.57*
MCS (VR-12) 43.28 (14.91) 41.82 (13.33) t=0.60 42.21 (14.48) 43.83 (14.78) t=-0.836 44.12 (14.44) 41.36 (14.75) t=1.42
PHQ-9 score 8.67 (6.38) 8.59 (5.58) t=0.074 9.13 (6.28) 8.21 (6.27) t=1.10 8.37 (6.28) 9.18 (6.27) t=-0.98
PHQ-9: mod depressed 77 (41.8%) 18 (40.9%) χ 2=0.013 57 (45.2%) 39 (37.9%) χ 2=1.27 53 (40.5%) 43 (43.9%) χ 2=0.27
IFDFW 5.45 (2.61) 4.71 (2.32) t=1.72 5.18 (2.54) 5.49 (2.60) t=−0.92 5.43 (2.51) 5.17 (2.65) t=0.75
PCL-5 score 27.77 (21.26) 29.19 (19.16) t=−0.342 29.42 (20.11) 26.86 (21.68) t=0.79 27.08 (21.57) 29.82 (19.81) t=−0.83
PCL-5 screen for PTSD 56 (41.8%) 12 (38.7%) χ 2=0.099 38 (44.2%) 31 (38.8%) χ 2=0.50 37 (37.4%) 32 (47.8%) χ 2=1.78
Tobacco 74 (40.2%) 12 (27.3%) χ 2=2.53 45 (35.7%) 41 (39.8%) χ 2=0.41 47 (35.9%) 39 (39.8%) χ 2=0.37
Alcohol 151 (82.1%) 34 (77.3%) χ 2=0.53 101 (80.2%) 85 (82.5%) χ 2=0.21 105 (80.2%) 81 (82.7%) χ 2=0.23
Cannabis products 28 (15.2%) 3 (6.8%) χ 2=2.41 21 (16.7%) 11 (10.7%) χ 2=2.84 11 (8.4%) 21 (21.4%) χ2=9.44**
Illegal drugs 3 (1.6%) 1 (2.3%) χ 2=0.32 3 (2.4%) 2 (1.9%) χ 2=1.28 1 (0.8%) 4 (4.1%) χ 2=4.27
Prescribed opioids 78 (42.4%) 17 (38.6%) χ 2=0.21 45 (35.7%) 51 (49.5%) χ 2=4.43* 57 (43.5%) 39 (39.8%) χ 2=0.32
Outcome measure Race Ethnicity Education
White Nonwhite Test of signif Hispanic Not Hispanic Test of signif High school or some college College degree Test of signif


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)

SWLS 22.70 (6.84) 21.98 (7.41) t=0.76 21.64 (7.75) 22.54 (6.96) t=−.76 21.58 (7.60) 23.62 (6.08) t=−2.23*
PCS (VR-12) 39.39 (11.15) 41.82 (10.49) t=−1.70 41.31 (11.65) 40.64 (10.63) t=.37 40.30 (10.70) 41.41 (11.13) t=−0.74
MCS (VR-12) 41.50 (15.22) 44.17 (14.00) t=−1.38 38.98 (15.03) 44.02 (14.29) t=−2.08* 40.75 (15.21) 46.86 (12.61) t=−3.26**
PHQ-9 score 9.79 (6.56) 7.79 (5.89) t=2.44* 10.59 (6.97) 8.20 (5.97) t=2.31 9.74 (6.16) 6.88 (6.10) t=3.38**
PHQ-9: mod depressed 53 (50.0%) 43 (35.0%) χ 2=5.29* 23 (52.3%) 72 (39.1%) χ 2=2.52 71 (48.3%) 25 (30.5%) χ 2=6.86**
IFDFW 5.56 (2.56) 5.11 (2.57) t=1.33 5.35 (2.36) 5.33 (2.62) t=0.06 4.70 (2.47) 5.94 (2.63) t=−2.78**
PCL-5 score 28.74 (21.41) 27.55 (20.32) t=0.37 33.41 (22.59) 26.84 (20.26) t=1.65 32.06 (21.16) 21.86 (18.87) t=3.14**
PCL-5 screen for PTSD 38 (42.7%) 31 (40.3%) χ 2=0.10 18 (52.9%) 51 (38.6%) χ 2=2.28 53 (51.5%) 16 (19.5%) χ 2=10.93**
Tobacco 49 (46.2%) 37 (30.1%) χ 2=6.33* 16 (36.4%) 70 (38.0%) χ 2=0.04 60 (40.8%) 26 (31.7%) χ 2=1.86
Alcohol 91 (85.8%) 95 (77.2%) χ 2=2.77 30 (68.2%) 156 (84.8%) χ 2=6.51* 117 (79.6%) 69 (84.1%) χ 2=0.72
Cannabis products 17 (16.0%) 15 (12.2%) χ 2=1.91 11 (25.0%) 21 (11.4%) χ 2=5.62 22 (15.0%) 10 (12.2%) χ 2=0.92
Illegal drugs 3 (2.8%) 2 (1.6%) χ 2=1.57 1 (2.3%) 4 (2.2%) χ 2=.24 2 (1.4%) 3 (3.7%) χ 2=1.85
Prescribed opioids 38 (35.8%) 58 (47.2%) χ 2=3.00 17 (38.6%) 78 (42.4%) χ 2=.21 57 (38.8%) 39 (47.6%) χ 2=1.67
Outcome measure Active duty status Veteran Test of signif Yes No Test of signif 0–60% 70-80% 90–100% Test of signif


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)


M (SD)/N (%)

SWLS 24.67 (5.91) 21.47 (7.38) t=3.44** 22.35 (6.71) 22.18 (7.51) t=0.18 22.81 (7.22) 22.86 (5.86) 22.36 (7.51) F=0.090
PCS (VR-12) 41.75 (11.29) 40.31 (1.48) t=0.88 40.19 (11.31) 41.07 (10.44) t=−0.61 42.42 (10.17) 39.81 (11.23) 38.18 (10.99) F=1.99
MCS (VR-12) 47.74 (14.04) 41.19 (14.45) t=3.06** 42.58 (14.89) 43.10 (14.35) t=−0.27 44.21 (14.13) 43.31 (13.95) 43.34 (13.91) F=0.068
PHQ-9 score 6.44 (5.69) 9.54 (6.29) t=−3.38** 8.98 (6.39) 8.53 (6.19) t=0.54 8.15 (6.52) 8.29 (6.17) 9.53 (6.39) F=0.80
PHQ-9: mod depressed 16 (26.2%) 80 (47.6%) χ 2=8.41** 46 (42.6%) 50 (41.7%) χ2=0.75 19 (40.4%) 21 (36.2%) 27 (46.6%) χ 2=1.30
IFDFW 6.90 (2.01) 4.74 (2.51) t=6.68*** 5.56 (2.51) 5.08 (2.61) t=1.40 5.07 (2.73) 5.76 (2.29) 5.44 (2.72) F=0.95
PCL-5 score 21.02 (20.85) 30.85 (20.31) t=−2.75** 30.93 (21.45) 25.68 (19.91) t=1.63 23.27 (19.73) 29.00 (21.29) 28.22 (20.66) F=0.87
PCL-5 screen for PTSD 12 (26.7%) 57 (47.1%) χ 2=5.64* 40 (47.6%) 29 (35.8%) χ 2=3.09 10 (27.0%) 16 (41.0%) 21 (46.7%) χ 2=3.41
Tobacco 21 (34.4%) 65 (38.7%) χ 2=0.35 44 (40.7%) 41 (34.2%) χ 2=2.72 17 (36.2%) 18 (31.0%) 23 (39.7%) χ 2=0.95
Alcohol 47 (77.0%) 139 (82.7%) χ 2=0.95 91 (84.3%) 94 (78.3%) χ 2=1.54 36 (76.6%) 46 (79.3%) 47 (81.0%) χ 2=0.31
Cannabis products 0 (0.0%) 32 (19.0%) χ 2=14.00** 15 (13.9%) 17 (14.2%) χ 2=1.29 8 (17.0%) 10 (17.2%) 8 (13.8%) χ 2=2.17
Illegal drugs 0 (0.0%) 5 (3.0%) χ 2=2.24 2 (1.9%) 3 (2.5%) χ 2=1.25 0 (0.0%) 2 (3.4%) 1 (1.7%) χ 2=3.57
Prescribed opioids 29 (47.5%) 67 (39.9%) χ 2=1.08 53 (49.1%) 43 (35.8%) χ 2=4.82 13 (27.7%) 25 (43.1%) 31 (53.4%) χ 2=7.10*

* p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001