Impact of IL-6 on QTc in guinea pigs. (A) Representative lead-II ECG from a guinea pig during the basal condition (a) with a normal sinus rhythm at 250 beats/min with a QTc = 219 ms, and (b) at 40 min after intravenous injection with IL-6 (184 μg/kg) in the same guinea pig, demonstrating a sinus rhythm at 227 beats/min with a QTc = 232 ms; the shaded area in light blue and the black arrows indicate the QT interval at baseline, while the red arrows indicate the QT interval after IL-6. (B) Changes in QTc levels at baseline and 40 min after IL-6 injection for each guinea pig (n = 5); two-tailed paired t-test, *p < 0.05. (C) Changes in QRS interval observed at baseline and 40 min after IL-6 injection for each guinea pig (n = 5); two-tailed Wilcoxon matched pairs test, n.s. not significant.