(A) Predicted seed-only pairing (RNAhybrid (Rehmsmeier et al., 2004) of let-7a and paralogs miR-48/84/241 to LCS1 (top) and LCS2 (bottom) of lin-41(ma501). Requirements for minimal supplemental pairing (t11–t12 pairing or t13–t16 pairing; Figure 6I) are indicated by brown or purple.
(B) Vulva integrity defects based on adult lethality (top) and number of progeny (bottom) in lin-41(tn1541), lin-41(tn1541);let-7(ma393,null) and lin-41(tn1541ma501);let-7(ma393).
(C) Predicted targeting configurations.
Details of the phenotypes available in Table S1.