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. 2022 May 19;13:890418. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.890418


Descriptive statistics, reliability, and confirmatory factor analysis properties.

Construct M1 (S.D.)2 Std. Loading
t-value CR4 Cronbach’s alpha AVE5 MSV6
(1) Hospitality Work Environment 0.927 0.925 0.586 0.279
We1: Working conditions (i.e., equipment, lighting, ventilation…etc.) is poor and inappropriate. 4.23 (0.955) 0.745 Fixed
We2: Seasonality and job insecurity (difficulty to get a stable job in resorts). 3.98 (1.136) 0.742 15.338***
We3: Irregular and unsocial working hours, including shifts and work at night and weekends. 4.46 (0.831) 0.611 12.42***
We4: Shortage of staff which results in a work overload. 4.02 (1.132) 0.857 18.025***
We5: Lack of social support when needed. 4.12 (0.990) 0.732 15.098***
We6: A hostile work climate among colleagues (poor co-worker attitudes). 4.01 (1.212) 0.752 15.569***
We7: Absence of employee empowerment and participation. 3.73 (1.296) 0.825 17.257***
We8: Unfairly and inequality from managers/supervisors when dealing with staff. 3.59 (1.369) 0.845 17.734***
We9: Working under pressure with different cultures and nationalities. 4.13 (1.045) 0.750 15.530***
(2) Work-Family Conflict (WFC) 0.861 0.895 0.674 0.279
(a) Time-based Conflict
Wfc1: working in resorts keep employees from their family activities more than it should be. 4.45 (0.754) 0.824 Fixed
Wfc2: The long working hours/periods keep employees from participating equally in household responsibilities and activities. 4.41 (0.772) 0.848 18.878***
Wfc3: Employees have to miss their family activities due to the amount of time which should spend on work. 4.42 (0.763) 0.829 18.464***
(b) Strain-based Conflict
Wfc4: Working in resorts is a frazzle to participate in family activities/responsibilities. 4.44 (0.727) 0.817 Fixed
Wfc5: Employees are so emotionally drained when they get home from work that it prevents them from contributing to their family. 4.42 (0.754) 0.773 15.766***
Wfc6: Due to the work pressures, employees transfer their strain to their family 4.27 (0.910) 0.732 14.918***
(c) Behavior-based Conflict
Wfc7: The problem-solving behaviors used in the job are not effective in resolving problems at home. 4.23 (0.886) 0.761 Fixed
Wfc8: The commitment at work (i.e., shifting the work periods) would be counterproductive at home. 4.38 (0.836) 0.860 17.369***
Wfc9: Behavior that is effective and necessary for work does not help the employees to be better parents and spouses. 4.34 (0.854) 0.841 17.056***
(3) Turnover Intention 0.897 0.893 0.745 0.249
Ti1: Currently, I am really thinking of resigning from my present job in the resort. 4.25 (0.934) 0.763 Fixed
Ti2: Probably, I will try to find a new job next year or less. 4.19 (0.909) 0.918 19.453***
Ti3: If I have an option to choose again, I will opt to work in another job. 4.22 (0.904) 0.900 24.98***

M1 = Mean, (S.D.)2 = Standard Deviation, Std. Loading, (CFA)3 = Standardized Factor Loading, CR4 = Composite Reliability, AVE5 = Average Variance Extracted, MSV6 = Maximum shared variance. Model fit; x2 = 509.041 (df = 183) p < 0.001, x2/df = 2.782, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) = 0.901, Comparative Fit Index (CFI) (0.942, Normed Fit Index (NFI) (0.912, Root Mean Square Residual (RMR) (0.048, Incremental Fit Index (IFI) (0.942, Relative Fit Index (RFI) (0.899, Root-Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) (0.066, ***p < 0.001.