Hypothesized path | Standardized path coefficients | t-value | Results |
H1: Hospitality Work Environment ⟶ Turnover Intention | 0.383 | 6.340*** | Supported |
H2: Hospitality Work Environment ⟶ WFC | 0.528 | 8.181*** | Supported |
H3: WFC ⟶ Turnover Intention | 0.219 | 3.472*** | Supported |
H4: Hospitality Work Environment ⟶ WFC ⟶ Turnover Intention | 0.116 | 2.820** | Supported |
Godness of fit statistics | x2 = 509.041 x2/df = 2.782 GFI = 0.901 CFI = 0.942 NFI = 0.912 RMR = 0.048 RMSEA = 0.066 |
***P < 0.001, ** P < 0.01. GFI, Godness of Fit Index; CFI, Comparative Fit Index; NFI, Normed Fit Index; RMR, Root Mean Square Residual; RMSEA, Root-Mean Square Error of Approximation.