Figure 5.
Impact of biopsy site and tumor content on the ability of an automated RNA‐Seq based classifier (SCOPE) to provide the correct putative diagnosis in the POG cohort. (A) The outcome from SCOPE is shown separated by the site of biopsy of the tumor. M and P indicate the number of metastatic and primary/relapse samples, respectively. (B) The distribution of cases across all biopsy sites is shown as a function of tumor content. (C) The majority of samples arose from three biopsy sites, lymph node, lung, and liver, indicated in each of the panels. Liver biopsies with low tumor content led to the highest number of conflicting (incorrect) assessments from SCOPE. A statistically significant association was found between SCOPE misprediction in liver biopsies and tumor content (p < 0.001, Wilcox test, not shown in figure).