Figure 1.
Arg1fl/fl;LysMCre/+ mice have reduced arginase-1 in the kidney after ischemic injury. Eight-week-old male Arg1mko (Arg1fl/fl;LysMCre/+) mice underwent IRI, and kidney lysates were collected for RNA and protein on day 0 and day 7 after surgery. (A) Arg1 mRNA expression level (relative to Hprt1) was significantly decreased in Arg1mko mice at day 7 within the whole kidney (*P<0.05, t test). (B and C) Western blot analysis (B) demonstrates significantly decreased arginase-1 protein levels on day 7 after IRI in Arg1mko mice, quantified in (C). Each lane represents one mouse kidney (*P<0.05, t test). (D) CD45+F4/80+ macrophages were isolated from kidneys at the indicated time by FACS and Arg1 mRNA expression quantified by quantitative rtPCR. Arg1 mRNA is significantly lower in day 7 macrophages from Arg1mko compared with control mice (**P<0.01, t test). (E) Immunofluorescence staining of injured kidneys from Arg1con mice (top panels) and Arg1mko mice (bottom panels) on day 7 after IRI (arginase-1 [red], F4/80+ [green], DAPI [blue]) shows significantly reduced arginase-1 staining in F4/80+ macrophages from the Arg1mko mouse. The boxed area in the left hand panels is magnified in the right panels. Asterisks indicate arginase-1+ and F4/80+ macrophage; arrows indicate arginase-1− and F4/80+ macrophage. (F) Quantification of total F4/80+ cells demonstrates increased medullary macrophages on day 7 after IRI Arg1con mice with a modest reduction seen in Arg1mko mice. (**P<0.01, ANOVA). (G) Quantification of arginase-1+ cells shows an 84% reduction in the Arg1mko mice. (****P<0.0001, ANOVA). n=5 mice per group. Casts exhibit green autofluorescence.