FIG. 5.
Stereoview of the predicted structure of Ba-S from the side of the (β/α)8-barrel. Molecular modeling of Ba-S was performed based on the 3-D structure of BSUA complexed with maltopentaose (9) by using Discover-Insight II software (version 4.3; Molecular Simulation Inc.) on an ONYX2 workstation (Silicon Graphics, Inc.). Residues 422 to 428 are not shown since the corresponding structure for BSUA could not be determined because of disorder (9). The main chains of domains A and B (residues 1 to 343) are indicated by an orange ribbon, and domain C (residues 344 to 421) is indicated by a green ribbon. Red cylinders and yellow arrows represent α-helices and β-strands, respectively. The carboxyl terminus of Ba-S is shown by a blue arrow.