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. 2022 Jun 2;51(1):37–45. doi: 10.1007/s15010-022-01858-z

Table 1.

Cases of reactive arthritis occuring after COVID-19

Reference Age (years)/Sex COVID-19 infection severitya/Treatment Delay between COVID-19 and arthritis (days)/RT-PCR at onset of arthritis Involved joints/Associate signs Inflam- Matory Biomarkers Immunological tests HLA genotyping Arthritis management Outcome
Liew et al. [15] 47/Male Asymptomatic/None 6/Positive Right knee/Balanitis N.S N.S N.S NSAIDs IASI N.S
Schenker et al. [16] 65/Female Moderate/NS 10/Negative Ankles, wrists and knee joints/Purpura of the calves CRP: 34.7 mg/L FR, ACPA and ANA negative HLA-B27: positive Prednisolone Recovered
Saricaoglu et al. [17] 73/Male Moderate/Ceftriaxone Hidroxychloroquine Azitromycin 8/Negative Toes dactylitis CRP:25 mg/L RF and ACPA negative N.S NSAIDs Symptoms resolution after 22 days of NSAIDs
Ono et al. [18] 50/Male Critical/Favipiravir cefepime vancomycin 21/NS Ankles Calcaneal enthesitis CRP: 7.4 mg/dL Negative HLA -B27:negative NSAIDs IASI Moderate improvement
Sureja et al. [19] 27/Female Moderate/Methylprednisolone Favipiravir 14/Negative Knees, ankles, midfoot joints, small joints of the right hand N.S RF: positive in low titres. ACPA and ANA: negative HLA-B27: negative NSAIDs Opioid analgesic. Steroid Recovered within 3 weeks
Honge et al.[20] 53/male Severe/dexamethasone 16/Negative Right knee and ankles CRP: 327 mg/L RF, ACPA, AAN: negative HLA-B27: negative NSAIDs Prednisolone (25 mg daily) Recovered
Shokraee et al. [21] 58/female Severe/Interferon β1 Dexamethasone Ceftriaxone 15 /NS Right hip CRP: 6.5 mg/L ESR: 45 mm N.S N.S NSAIDs Prednisolone (80 mg) Recovered within 5 days
Coath et al.[22] 53/male Mild/None N.S Sacroiliac costovertebral and costotransverse joints CRP: 13 mg/L NS HLA-B27: positive NSAIDs Methylprednisolone 120 mg Recovered
Danssaert et al. [23] 37/female Moderate/NS 12/Negative Wrist,MCP,IP joints/Extensor tendinosis CRP and ESR within normal limits RF: negative ANA: speckled N.S NSAIDs topical Gabapentin Opioid Improvement without recovery
Sinaei et al. [24] 8/male Mild/NS 7/NP Left hip ESR: 3 mm CRP: 3.5 mg/L RF and ANA: negative N.S NSAIDs Recovered within one week
6/female Moderate/NS 7/Positive Knees, wrists, left hip ESR = 39 mm CRP = 12 mg/L RF and ANA: negative N.S NSAIDs Recovered within 4 days
Jali et al. [25] 39/female Moderate/NS 21/Negative Proximal and distal IP joints of the hands ESR and CRP within the normal range RF, ANA and ACPA: negative N.S NSAIDs Recovered
Parisi et al. [26] 58/female Moderate/Paracetamol 25/Negative Ankle / Tendinosisof the Achilles tendon CRP: 7.36 mg/L RF, ANA, Antiextractable nuclear antigen, Antidouble-strand DNA: negative N.S NSAIDs Clinical recovery within one month
Di-Carlo et al. [27] 55/male Mild/NS 42/NS Negative 15 days after COVID infection Right ankle ESR: 67 mm CRP: 5.6 mg/L N.S HLA-B27: negative Steroid Recovered
Salvatierra J et al. [28] 16/female Mild/NS 21/Negative Dactylitis NS RF and ANA negative HLA B27 negative NSAIDs Recovered within 5 days
Kocyigit BF et al. [29] 53/female Moderate/Favipiravir Hydroxychloroquine Azithromycin 41/NS Knee CRP:10.8 mg/L RF,ACPA,ANA negative HLA B27 negative NSAIDs Recovered within 10 days
Ouedraogo F et al. [30] 45/male Critical/Azithromycin Ceftriaxone Hydroxychloroquine Tocilizumab 48/Negative Shoulders, Elbow, knee CRP:187 mg/L ESR:136 mm/h RF,ACPA:negative NS Steroid Improvement
Gasparotto et al. [31] 60/male Severe/Azithromycin CeftriaxoneHydroxychloroquine 32/Negative Ankle, knee, hip CRP:237 mg/L ESR:111 mm/h RF, ACPA, ANA:negative HLA B27 negative NSAIDs Recovered within 40 days of NSAIDs Follow up of 6 months
Apaydin H et al. [32] 37/male Mild/Hydroxychloroquine 9/ Positive Wrists, knees,ankles, elbows,MTP CRP:117 mg/L ESR:63 mm/h RF,ACPA,ANA: negative HLA B27 positive Methylprednisolone 16 mg/day Persistant arthralgia 1 month later Initiation of Sulfasalazine
Yokogawa N et al.[33] 57/male Moderate/No specific treatment 17 / Positive Wrist, Shoulder, the bilateral knees CRP:48 mg/L RF,ACPA,ANA:negative N.S N.S Spontaneous reolution after 10 days
Ghauri M et al. [34] 34/male Mild/AzithromycinZincMultivitamin 16 /NS Knee N.S N.S N.S NSAIDs IASI Recoverd within 10 days
Colatutto et al. [35] 58/female Mild/Azithromycin Hydroxychloroqine 28/ Negative Shoulders, Sacroiliac Normal ANA,RF:negative HLA-B8 and B57 positive HLA-B27 negative NSAIDs Persistance of sacroiliac joint pain at 7 months
53/female Mild/Azithromycin Hydroxychloroqine 15/ Negative Sacroiliac CRP:19 mg/L ANA,RF:negative N.S NSAIDs Recovered (9 months of follow-up)
El Hasbani et al. [36] 25/male Mild/NS 19/ Negative Left ankle, right elbow, low back pain, sacroiliac CRP: 207 mg/dL RF,ACPA,ANA:negative HLA-B27 positive NSAIDs Prednisolone (40 mg daily) Sulfasalazine Improvement within 1 month
57/male Mild/NS 30/ Negative Left wrist Synovial thickening of the common extensor bursa CRP: 28.9 mg/dL RF,ACPA,ANA:negative HLA-B27 positive NSAIDs Prednisolone (30 mg daily) Rapid improvement within 2 weeks

RF rheumatoid factor, ACPA anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, ANA antinuclear antibodies, NS not specified, NP not performed, MCP metacarpophalangeal joints, MTP metatarsophalangeal joints, IP interphalangeal joints, CRP C-reactive protein, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, HLA human leucocyte antigen, NSAIDs non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, IASIintra articular steroid injection

aSymptoms of COVID-19 infection were collected and severity was classified as: asymptomatic, mild, moderate, severe, and critical