Hoechst staining (blue) and Iba1 (red), showing coronal representative
sections of rat brains in the proximity of the injection site: (A,
B, C, D, E) aCSF; (A′, B′, C′, D′, E′)
SAP-treated. The inset squares indicate the brain areas where the
microglia density is shown: (B, B′) cortical area near the
injection; (C, C′) correspondence to the injection site at
the NBM nucleus; (D, D′) cingulate cortex; (E, E′) area
of thalamic nuclei. Note the higher density of Iba-1 positive cells
(microglia) in lesioned animal, which is more noticeable and extended
at the lesion site in the NBM. Bar in (A) is 500 μm. Bar in
(B) is 100 μm.