Fig. 1. Methodological steps of the approach used for yellow fever transmission risk modelling.
a Vector models result from combining, through the fuzzy union (∪), favourable areas for the presence of urban (Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus) and sylvatic vectors. b Baseline disease models describe the areas favourable to the occurrence of yellow fever cases. c Transmission risk models quantify the level of yellow fever transmission risk, according to the fuzzy inteserccion (∩) between vector and baseline disease models. d Model fit assessment and validation of model predictive capacity. Methodological details are given in Supplementary Methods, which includes very detailed methodological explanations for all elements with a code in parentheses: A, B, C, D1, D2, D3, D4.1, D4.2, E, E.1, E.2, F, F.1, F.2.