Fibrin-mediated chondro-synovial adhesion (CSA) positively correlates with cartilage damage in murine RA. (a) Representative immunohistochemical staining for fibrin deposits and Safranin-O staining for cartilage damage in WT and Fg−/− murine knees with AIA (RA). Black arrows show fibrin-mediated CSA and cartilage damage in WT mice. On the left, the magnified box shows a fibrin-rich pseudo-membrane detaching the superficial cartilage layer. Scale bars for 40x = 300 μm and 200x = 120 μm. WT = 8, Fg−/− = 8. (b) Graphs show CSA scores (AU). WT = 8, Fg−/− = 8. Student's t-test. **p < 0.01. (c) Correlation graphs between fibrin deposit score (AU) and CSA score (AU), and between cartilage damage score (AU) and CSA score (AU). Linear regression and Pearson correlation tests. **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001. (d) Representative histologies (H&E) and immunohistochemistry (Fibrin and BrdU) of damaged and undamaged cartilage explants from end-stage RA patients, co-incubated with synoviocytes. Black arrows show floating synoviocytes and almost absent fibrin on undamaged cartilage while red arrows show sticking synoviocytes and massive fibrin deposits on damaged cartilage; in BrdU images black arrows show positive synoviocytes and red arrow shows BrdU negative chondrocyte. Pictures from one representative patient per group are shown. Scale bar 30 μm. n = 4.