General characteristics of the included guidelines.
Guideline | Country | Developing Organization | Target Population | Theme of Recommendations | Version |
Qiu, HB 2021 (Association SoCRDoCM, 2021) | China | SCRD of CMA | Patients with mechanical ventilation | VAP treatment | First Version |
Collins, T. 2020 (Collins et al., 2020) | British | BACCN | Critically ill adult patients | VAP prevention | First Version |
Chou, C.C. 2018 (Chou et al., 2018) | Taiwan, China | IDST/TSPCCM | CAP, HAP, VAP, HCAP in adults and pediatric pneumonia | VAP prevention | Updated |
VAP treatment | |||||
Qu, JM 2018 (1) | China | IDG of RMBCMA | Non-immunocompromised patients with HAP/VAP over 18 | VAP prevention | Updated |
VAP treatment | |||||
Lenoe, M. 2018 (Leone et al., 2018) | France | SFAR/SRLF | HAP/VAP (including COPD, neutropenia, post-operative, and pediatrics) | VAP treatment | First Version |
Torres, A. 2017 (Torres et al., 2017) | Europe | ERS/ESICM/ESCMID/ALAT | Adult patients with HAP and VAP, does not apply to patients with primary and secondary immune deficiency | VAP prevention | First Version |
VAP treatment | |||||
Mikasa, K. 2016 (Mikasa et al., 2016) | Japan | JAID/JSC | Patients with respiratory infectious diseases in Japan and covered all such diseases in adults and children | VAP treatment | Updated |
Kalil, A.C. 2016 (Kalil et al., 2016) | America | IDSA/ATS | Non-immunocompromised patients with HAP/VAP | VAP treatment | Updated |
Mehta, Y. 2014 (Mehta et al., 2014) | India | ISCCM | Patients at risk of nosocomial infections | VAP prevention | First Version |
Klompas, M. 2014 (Klompas et al., 2014) | America | SHEA/IDSA/AHA/APIC | VAP | VAP prevention | Updated |
Alvarez-Lerma, F. 2014 (Álvarez Lerma et al., 2014) | Spain | SSICM/SSICN | VAP | VAP prevention | First version |
Li, YM 2013 (Association CcmboCM, 2013) | China | CCMCMA | VAP | VAP prevention | First Version |
VAP treatment | |||||
Gupta, D. 2012 (Gupta et al., 2012) | India | ICS and NCCP | VAP/HAP in adults | VAP prevention | First Version |
VAP treatment |
HAP: Hospital-acquired Pneumonia; VAP: Ventilator-associated Pneumonia; SCRD, of CMA: Subgroup of Critical Respiratory Diseases of Chinese Medical Association; BACCN: British Association of Critical Care Nurses; ISCCM: Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine; IDST: Infectious Diseases Society of Taiwan; TSPCCM: Taiwan Society of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine; IDG, of RMBCMA: Infectious disease group, Respiratory medicine branch of Chinese Medical Association; SFAR: French Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine; SRLF: French Society of Intensive Care; ERS: European Respiratory Society; ERSESICM: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; ESCMID: European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases; ALAT: Latin American Thoracic Association; ICU: Intensive Care Unit; COPD: Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease; JAID: Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases; JSC: Japanese Society of Chemotherapy; IDSA: Infectious Diseases Society of America; ATS: American Thoracic Society; HAIs: Hospital-acquired Infections; SSICM: The Spanish Societies of Intensive Care Medicine; SSICN: ISCCM: The Spanish Societies of Intensive Care Nurses Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine; AHA: American Hospital Association; APICA: association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology; CCMCMA: Critical care medicine branch of Chinese Medical Association. ICS, and NCCP: Indian Chest Society and National College of Chest Physicians.