Tau fibrils do not damage vesicles. U2OS cells were stably transfected with Gal3-Rub to mark a loss of vesicle integrity. A, images of untreated cells (control); cells treated with FL tau-AF647 fibrils; cells treated with LLOMe. No obvious effect of fibril treatment on Gal3-Rub puncta formation was observed, whereas LLOMe produced many positive puncta. Scale bars = 30 μm. B, hundreds of cells were imaged after fixation at 24 h using high-content microscopy, and image analysis was used to quantify the frequency of Gal3-Rub puncta. There was no difference between control cells and those treated with tau fibrils, whereas LLOMe strongly induced Gal3-Rub puncta formation. n = 160 to 200 cells for each condition. p < 0.001 for effect of LLOMe (t test). Gal3-Rub, galectin-3 β-galactoside–binding protein fused to mRuby3; LLOMe, l-leucyl-l-leucine O-methyl ester.