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. 2022 May 19;9(2):e36959. doi: 10.2196/36959

Table 2.

Application of the intervention procedure.

Key process Procedure
Identification of patients enrolled in the trial
  • At the beginning of each day shift, nurse unit managers, and associate nurse unit managers were informed of the following:

    • The researcher presence on the ward

    • A list of patients enrolled in the trial on their ward identifying the “day” after surgery

    • The exact number of iPads required per ward per day and ensure that they were charged and ready for use

Application of intervention procedure
  • Identify the nurse responsible for the care of patient participants

  • Confirm with the nurse that the patient is enrolled in the study and will need to view the iPad animation

  • Identify day 1 patients and provide and secure the iPad and explain how to use the device and navigate the program

  • Patients instructed to watch the animation on the iPad and call their nurse once they have finished to discuss the content

  • The nurse will confirm and clarify any questions the patients may have regarding the information

  • The iPads remain with the patient for the duration of their stay

  • Laminated flyer attached to the patients’ medical record and note on the individual patients’ communication board were used to remind clinical staff that the patient was in the study

  • Patients’ nurses are responsible for ensuring that the iPad is charged overnight

  • Telephone call to the wards nightly at 10 to remind them to charge the iPads

Strategies used throughout the trial to maintain engagement by nursing staff
  • One-to-one discussions among ward nurses, physiotherapists, surgeons, and the nurse researcher

  • Telephone calls to associate nurse unit managers on afternoon shifts at 8 PM each day to ask that they remind staff to charge the iPads overnight

  • Regular attendance at ward meetings by the nurse researcher where questions could be answered and strategies discussed to assist with the implementation

  • Laminated cards were placed in patient notes, and a sign was placed on the whiteboard above the patient bed area

  • Patients themselves reminded staff to attend to the iPad; for example, to plug in the iPad for charging overnight