Fig. 1.
Promoter-connected open chromatin is enriched for highly expressed genes and COVID-19 disease risk heritability. A The number of OCRs contacting promoters determined by Capture C and those without promoter contacts. B Expression measured by transcripts per kilobase million (TPM) of genes with at least one OCR-promoter contact (red) vs. genes without promoter-OCR contacts (blue). Boxplots represent the median expression for each category. Statistical significance was determined using two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum tests. TPM range contacted 0–25,499.71, non-contacted 177,277.33. Medians: hESC contacting = 8.86, non-contacting 0.0621, monocyte contacting = 11.627, non-contacting 0.0123, naïve B contacting = 14.0, non-contacting 0.0289, GCB contacting = 14.0, non-contacting 0.0289, naïve CD4 T contacting = 12.8, non-contacting 0.0244 TFH contacting = 14.3, non-contacting = 0.216. C Enrichment of estimated COVID-19 GWAS heritability determined by partitioned score regression for the open chromatin landscape for each cell type. Points indicate calculated enrichment and whiskers indicate 95% confidence interval. The associated FDR for each enrichment is depicted on the right