TABLE 3 |.
Questions to ask of the vulnerability and resiliency dataset to achieve environmental justice in communities neighboring active and legacy mining activities.
Questions | Dataset used |
1. What is/are the major: | All datasets in Tables 1, 2 |
a. Vulnerability(ies) | |
b. Resiliency(ies) | |
2. Are we (all stakeholders) addressing them? | N/A |
a. If not, how can we? | |
3. Are mining communities disproportionately exposed to Arsenic? a. If so, what is/are the major arsenic contributor(s) to daily dose of arsenic? |
• Gardenroots Data • USEPA’s EJSCREEN • National Water Quality Monitoring Counci • U.S. Geological Survey |
4. Are mining communities suffering/experiencing cancer/diabetes/obesity/asthma disproportionately? a. Why? b. Is it due to rural health disparities? c. Access to nutritional foods and public health programming? |
• ADHS Environmental Health Public Tracking • Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance • National Health and Nutrition Examination Study • USDA ERS |
5. Are mining communities with elevated arsenic concentrations suffering/experiencing cancer/diabetes/obesity/asthma disproportionately? a. If so, what is/are the major arsenic contributor(s) to daily dose of arsenic? |
• Gardenroots Data • USEPA’s EJSCREEN • National Water Quality Monitoring Counci • U.S. Geological Survey • ADHS Environmental Health Public Tracking • Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance • National Health and Nutrition Examination Study • USDA ERS |
6. Can we assign an index value (Bergstrand et al., 2015) ? | All datasets in Tables 1, 2 |
7. Once we combine the vulnerability and resiliencies, can we rate and compare communities? | N/A |
8. How can we leverage the resiliencies to address the vulnerabilities? | All datasets in Table 2 |
9. When considering ecosystem functions, what function(s) are in deficit/not working? Which functions are working? a. Provisioning b. Regulating c. Cultural d. Supporting |
All datasets in Tables 1, 2 |
10. When considering sustainability practices, what needs to occur: a. Economically—new job opportunities? b. Socially c. Environmentally |
All datasets in Tables 1, 2 |
11. How can we successfully communicate with these communities at the local community and government level? | • American Community Survey |