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. 2022 May 18;56:45. doi: 10.11606/s1518-8787.2022056004503

Table 1. Median and rate of variation in the median number of yellow fever vaccine doses administered in the Brazilian population from April 2019 to March 2020 and from April 2020 to March 2021. National Immunization Program, Brazil.

States and Regions Apr/19–Mar/20 Median (P25–P75) Apr/20–Mar/21 Median (P25–P75) Variation (%) pa
Brazil 518,510 (432,140–705,034) 349,028 (306,190–395,746) -48.55 0.003
North 50,108 (44,692–51,908) 32,715 (26,462–36,436) -34.71 0.000
 Acre 1,818 (1,645–2,197) 1,080 (975–1,318) -40.59 0.000
 Amapá 1,962 (1,887–7,736) 1,811 (889 – 3,698) -7.69 0.000
 Amazonas 13,900 (12,514–15,589) 10,966 (7,606–12,429) -21.10 0.000
 Pará 16,540 (16,084–17,783) 11,466 (9,239–13,117) -30.67 0.000
 Rondônia 5,486 (4,449–5,835) 3,874 (3,042–4,284) -29.38 0.000
 Roraima 6,623 (5,310–7,217) 1,726 (1,370–2,465) -73.93 0.000
 Tocantins 3,273 (2,629–3,612) 2,815 (2,445–2,958) -13.99 0.000
Northeast 58,173 (51,450–89,927) 108,070 (91,645–149,778) +85.77 0.003
 Alagoas 824 (719–1,414) 5,025 (265 – 8,214) +509.83 0.000
 Bahia 26,101 (22,959–31,814) 17,716 (15,645–19,779) -32.12 0.000
 Ceará 1,519 (1,392–2,253) 16,826 (8,540–31,387) +1,007.70 0.000
 Maranhão 14,954 (13,416–16,586) 9,399 (7,685–12,399) -37.14 0.000
 Paraíba 1,080 (988–1,314) 7,268 (2,601–8,531) +524.40 0.000
 Pernambuco 3,290 (2,833–29,374) 63,087 (31,010–76,894) +1,817.53 0.000
 Piauí 6,381 (5,350–7,382) 5,077 (4,314–5,450) -20.43 0.000
 Rio Grande do Norte 1,596 (1,253–1,674) 1,532 (1,296–2,328) -4.01 0.000
 Sergipe 825 (707–949) 307 (187–334) -62.78 0.000
Midwest 38,328 (32,905–47,397) 30,002 (26,385–34,161) -21.72 0.017
 Distrito Federal 6,876 (6,205–10,984) 6,034 (5,752–7,433) -12.24 0.000
 Goiás 13,850 (12,817–14,678) 10,157 (9,331–12,115) -26.66 0.000
 Mato Grosso 11,186 (9,655–11,945) 8,118 (7,172–8,913) -27.42 0.000
 Mato Grosso do Sul 5,859 (5,292–7,116) 5,117 (4,912–5,754) -12.66 0.000
Southeast 171,181 (151,379–204,971) 112,257 (98,569–124,014) -34.42 0.000
 Espírito Santo 7,981 (7,004–12,891) 7,748 (6,371–8,664) -2.91 0.000
 Minas Gerais 39,856 (33,706–48,029) 28,281 (25,697–32,761) -29.04 0.000
 Rio Janeiro 20,704 (18,955–24,538) 15,645 (12,986–17,591) -24.43 0.000
 São Paulo 105,524 (95,106–123,009) 59,876 (51,960–65,557) -43.25 0.000
South 174,257 (153,009–272,348) 63,590 (54,659–78,093) -63.50 0.000
 Paraná 56,869 (47,954–90,699) 28,450 (22,136–36,574) -49.97 0.000
 Santa Catarina 69,415 (62,682–123,464) 19,441 (16,330–22,289) -71.99 0.000
 Rio Grande do Sul 35,480 (24,488–50,338) 15,609 (13,943–20,944) -56.00 0.000

P: percentile.

a Mann-Whitney test (difference between medians).