Fig. 2 |. Mice with T cell-specific PPARγ deficiency largely phenocopy obese PPARγ-sufficient mice upon experimental AD challenge.
a, Heat map of PPARγ activity (ChIP–seq cistrome expression) using UMAP visualization of scRNA-seq data of Tconv cells from Fig. 1f. b, Violin plots representing T cell-PPARγ cistrome expression across distinct Leiden clusters from lean and obese mice. c, Change in ear thickness during MC903-induced AD development of PPARγ-TKO or control mice. d, Representative images of ears of mice as in c on day 10. e, Representative H&E ear histology of mice as in c on day 10. Dashed line highlights leukocytic expansion of dermis. Original magnification, ×200. f, Total cytokine-competent CD4+ T cell numbers assessed by flow cytometry from whole ear of mice as described in c on day 11. g, Distribution of Tconv cells in UMAP space (Fig. 1f) from lean control and PPARγ-TKO mice after AD challenge. Contour lines are set at identical thresholds. Borders of TH2 and TH17 late clusters are outlined. TH17 late contour defined as in Fig 1h. h, TH17 cluster continuous probability density curves of control and PPARγ TKO, scaled by sample. i–k, Change in ear thickness (i), representative images from day 10 (j), and representative H&E ear histology from day 11 (k; original magnification, ×100), of control or PPARγ-TKO mice with induced AD and treated with anti-IL-4/IL-13 or isotype control. l, Representative epidermal pustules (arrows) of PPARγ-TKO mice with induced AD and treated with anti-IL-4/IL-13. Original magnification, ×400. m, Lesional CD4+ T cell numbers with indicated cytokine competence. n, Proposed PPARγ function as focusing factor for TH2 responses in vivo. Control, Cd4cre; PPARγ TKO, Cd4crePpargfl/fl. Scale bars, 100 μm. n = 5 (c–e); n = 7 (f) except n = 4 for IL-17A/F-competent T cells; n = 1 (pooled from 5 mice per group) for scRNA-seq (g, h), run with Fig. 1 samples (batch 1 in Methods, ‘scRNA-seq’); n = 6 (i–l) except n = 5 for PPARγ TKO + isotype control; n = 3 (each pooled from 2 mice) (m). Data are mean ± s.e.m. Only peak values were tested with Welch’s t-test in (c, i). P values adjusted for multiple comparisons using Holm-Šídák method (f). Mann–Whitney U test (h). #P < 0.07, *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001.