Table 1. Treatment effect calculations for encouragement and lottery email treatments.
Comparison groups | ITT | |
No email | Encouragement email | |
.1591(N = 15,123) | .1797 (N = 3,778) | .0207 (p = .002) |
No email | Lottery email | |
.1591 (N = 15,123) | .2191 (N = 3,779) | .0601 (p<.001) |
Encouragement email | Lottery email | |
.1797 (N = 3,778) | .2191 (N = 3,779) | .0394 (p<.001) |
Among those opening email | ATT | |
Encouragement email | Lottery email | |
.2030 (N = 2,729) | .2677 (N = 2,585) | .0647 p<.001) |
ITT p-values based on a difference of proportions test using intent-to-treat calculations. ATT p-value based on a difference of proportions test among those opening the treatment emails.