FIG. 5.
(A) Transposition of Tn1720. Shown are results of agarose gel electrophoresis of pGEM3zf(+) undigested (lane 1) and PstI digested (lane 3) and the Ampr Tcr plasmid recovered from E. coli JM109 carrying both pGEM3zf(+) and the Tcr plasmid from Pseudomonas isolate R171A undigested (lane 2), PstI digested (lane 4), and SunI digested (lane 5). Lane M is HindIII-digested lambda DNA. (B) PCR detection of Tn1720. Shown is the PCR product from isolate R171A undigested (lane 1) and Sun I digested (lane 2). Lane M is 1-kb Ladder Plus.