A-B) Relative frequency of CD45+ cells (among live cells, A) and neutrophils (Ly6G+CD11b+CD64- among CD45+ cells, B) as assessed by flow cytometry on total GB/EHBD digests from non-littermate age- and sex-matched Pou2f3−/− and WT mice. Statistical significance determined by unpaired two-tailed T test. C-E) Total GB/EHBD digests from littermate Pou2f3−/− and control mice were analyzed by flow cytometry for presence of CD45+ cells (representative flow plot previously gated on live singlets, FSC-A × SSC-A, C) and frequency of neutrophils (Ly6G+CD11b+CD64-), macrophages (CD64+CD11b+Siglec F-Ly6G-) and eosinophils (Siglec F+CD11b+Ly6G-CD64) among CD45+ cells (D,E). P values calculated by one-way ANOVA (E). F-I) 25cre/+;RosaiDTR or 25+/+;RosaiDTR littermate mice received two retroorbital injections of diphtheria toxin. Frequency of tuft cells among epithelial cells (F,H) and neutrophils among CD45+ cells (G, I) in total GB/EHBD digests were determined by flow cytometry. F,G) Adult mice were injected at 8 wks of age and chased 1–6 months. Data pooled from four experiments. H,I) Mice were injected at weaning and analyzed 4–6 wks later. Data pooled from two experiments. G,I) Neutrophil frequencies were normalized to the average of control cre- mice per experiment. Statistical significance determined by unpaired two-tailed T test (F-I). *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001, ****p<.0001.