Fig. 2. CTL migration in droplets recapitulates in vivo behavior.
a (left) Representative image of CTLs with instantaneous velocity vectors inside Matrigel droplet. (right) CTL tracks in one droplet over 24 h, each color represents an individual cell track. The dashed black circle outlines the spheroid boundary. b Representative velocities as a function of time for three different T cells. c Probability distribution of a cell to migrate by a given distance (Δr) during a fixed time step Δt = 1 min (n = 67965 points without spheroid and n = 34072 individual points for CTLs in presence of the B16 spheroids). d Mean-square displacement (MSD) of CTL migration with (N = 20 droplets) and without (N = 26 droplets) spheroids. Error bars represent the SEM. e Time sequence showing the initial CTL approach and contact with a spheroid. f Track of a single CTL as it migrates in the matrigel and on the spheroid surface. Colormap represents the instantaneous velocity of the cell. g, h Average velocity and mean square displacement exponent (α) of cells migrating in the gel and on the spheroid. Each data point is the average velocity in a given droplet (Ngel = 55, Nspheroid = 54, respective p-values of 1.3 × 10−10 and 1.2 × 10−15). i Mean-square displacement of cells migrating in the matrigel and on the spheroid. Bold and dashed lines represent the best fits for the MSD of CTLs on the spheroid and in the matrigel, with respective exponents of 1.1 and 1.4 (measurement conducted over N = 54 droplets). Error bars represent the SEM. Source data are provided as a Source data file.