a, Dendrogram showing genome-wide SNP-based distances among two or three human gut C. albicans isolates obtained from the same individual subject. Strains isolated from non-IBD subjects (nIBD), UC patients (UC), and refence strain C. albicans SC5314 (Ref. Strain). b, Heatmap showing genome-wide density of heterozygous SNPs from two or three human gut C. albicans isolates obtained from the same individual subject. Strains isolated from non-IBD subjects (nIBD), UC patients (UC), and refence strain C. albicans SC5314 (Ref. Strain) are labeled. Color density indicates the number of heterozygous SNPs detected in each 10 kbp window of an isolate’s genome. Arrows point to the genomic locations of ECE1 and EFG1 genes. c, Multiple sequence alignment of candidalysin (SK1 peptide) amino acid sequences across multiple isolates of C. albicans. Each isolate was obtained from an individual subject from the non-IBD or UC patient group. Four isoforms of candidalysin across strains show no association/clustering of specific isoform with HD or LD strain. Two haplotypes are shown for isolates that are heterozygous in this region.