Extended Data Fig. 10. Immune mediators released by macrophage upon infection with gut -derived C. albicans strains.
a, LDH release measured in culture supernatants of hMDM after infection with C. albicans parental strain (Pare), C.a ece1D/ece1/ D (C.a ece1) and an untreated group (Ctrl) for 16 hours. b, Macrophage-released mediators measured by cytometric bead assays from cultures in Extended Data Fig. 10a. c, IL-1β release measured in culture supernatants of LPS-primed hMDMs infected with C. albicans parental strain, C.a ece1, and in uninfected group. Parallel experiments were performed with a. Results a-c are shown as mean ± s.d. Data are representative of three independent experiments with similar results. d-f, Cytokine release in culture supernatants of unprimed human monocyte-derived macrophages (hMDMs) after incubation with live gut derived-C. albicans isolates (MOI=5). d, IL-6 cytokine production was measured by ELISA. hMDM damage measured (LDH assay) in the same experiment was correlated with specific cytokine release. e-f, Correlation between TNF-α and IL-6 cytokine from hMDM induced by patient-specific gut C. albicans and Mayo score in corresponding UC patients (n=10). Dot is shown as an average value of three technical repeats, Data are representative of three independent experiments with similar results. The simple linear regression was performed, where P-value calculated by a F test. g-h, Mice colonized with or without HD/C.a IBD311 were treated with prednisolone (Pred) followed by DSS-mediated induction of colitis. Each mouse further treated with 1 mg anti-IL-1R1 IgG (αIL1R) or isotype IgG (IgG) at the time point indicated in the schematic figure of experimental layout (g). IgG+PBS (n=8), IgG+C.a (n=9) and αIL-1R1+C.a (n=7). h, Representative flow cytometry plots of IL-17A+IL-17F+CD4+ T cells. Data in d-h are representative of three independent experiments with similar results. One-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey’s post hoc test (a-c).