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. 2022 Jun 6;72:103279. doi: 10.1016/j.iccn.2022.103279


CCN perceptions of frequency and intensity of morally distressing scenarios (n = 71).

Dimensions with Item Mean (SD)
Frequency Intensity
Dimension: Futile Care
6. Continue to participate in the care of a hopelessly ill person who is being sustained on a ventilator when no one will make a decision to withdraw support 2.23 (1.13) 3.06 (1.23)
3. Initiate extensive life-saving actions when I think they will only prolong death 1.99 (1.06) 2.91 (1.15)
2. Follow the family’s wishes to continue life support, even though I believe it is not in the best interest of the patient 1.72 (1.10) 2.68 (1.27)
Dimension: Ethical Misconduct
5. Feel pressure from others to order what I consider to be unnecessary tests and treatments 1.63 (1.07) 1.91 (1.21)
9. Increase the dose of sedatives/opiates for an unconscious patient when I believe doing so could hasten the patient’s death 1.04 (1.07) 1.07 (1.18)
7. Avoid taking action when I learn that a physician or nursing colleague made a medical error and did not report it 1.03 (0.85) 2.17 (1.27)
11. Follow the family’s wishes for the patient’s care when I do not agree with them because of the fear of a lawsuit 0.61 (0.94) 1.57 (1.58)
10. Take no action on an observed ethical issue because the involved staff member or someone in a position of authority requested that I do nothing 0.43 (0.79) 1.29 (1.54)
Dimension: Deceptive Communication
1. Witness healthcare providers giving ‘false hope’ to the patient or family 1.52 (1.04) 2.29 (1.26)
14. Ignore situations in which patients were not given adequate information to ensure informed consent 0.88 (0.99) 1.37 (1.22)
4. Follow the family’s request not to discuss death with a dying patient when they ask about dying 0.59 (0.75) 1.79 (1.42)
Dimension: Poor Teamwork
12. Watch patient-care quality suffer because of a lack of provider continuity 2.43 (1.21) 2.67 (1.22)
13. Witness diminished patient-care quality due to poor team communication 2.07 (1.15) 2.66 (1.14)
8. Assist another physician or nurse who, in my opinion, is providing incompetent care 2.04 (1.22) 3.01 (1.30)
Frequency ranges from 0 (never) to 4 (very frequently)
Intensity ranges from 0 (none) to 4 (to a great extent)
Items ranging from highest to lowest frequency in each dimension