Figure 6.
Behavioral results
(A) Experiment 2: Perceptual sensitivity. Results are presented for three groups of participants (IAF±1 Hz and IAF stimulation protocol). Perceptual sensitivity is quantified in d’ scores. Violin plots of d’ are reported for rhythmic-TMS (TMS) and SHAM-control stimulation, and separately for the left and right hemifields. Data are presented as median (full line) ±1 quartile (dashed line).
(B) Experiment 2: Perceptual sensitivity and alpha-frequency. Relationship between TMS-induced differences in alpha-frequency in the stimulated (right) hemisphere (computed as a difference in alpha-frequency between TMS and SHAM stimulation) and differences in accuracy in the opposite (left) hemifield (computed as a difference in d’ score between TMS and SHAM stimulation), across the slower (IAF-1 Hz group, represented as black triangles) and faster rhythmic-TMS groups (IAF+1 Hz group, represented as gray circles). Density distributions of the two variables across the two groups are also presented along the corresponding axes. t-test statistical significance is reported (∗p<.05).
(C) Experiment 3: Metacognitive abilities, quantified via meta-d’ scores. Violin plots of meta d’ for TMS and SHAM-control stimulation, and reported separately for the left and right hemifields. Data are presented as median (full line) ±1 quartile (dashed line).
(D) Experiment 3: Metacognitive abilities and post-stimulus alpha-amplitude. Relationship between rhythmic-TMS-evoked differences in alpha-amplitude in the stimulated (right) hemisphere (computed as a difference in alpha-amplitude between TMS and SHAM stimulation) and differences in metacognition in the opposite (left) hemispace (computed as a difference in meta-d’ score between TMS and SHAM stimulation). Density distributions of the two variables are also presented along the corresponding axes. Two-tailed t-test statistical significance is reported (∗p<.05). A.U.=arbitrary units; μv=microvolt; Hz=Hertz; ms=milliseconds; dB=decibel. Adapted from Di Gregorio et al. (2022).