Figure 2.
CD200R1 suppresses psoriasis‐like skin inflammation by limiting neutrophil accumulation. (A−I) Aldara cream‐induced skin inflammation with CD200R1 blockade or isotype control. (A) Timeline. (B) pDok1 levels measured by flow cytometry in draining lymph node to avoid potential effects of enzymatic digestion which would be likely in skin. (C) Day 3 skin thickness measured using callipers. (D) Ear skin histology. (E) Epidermal thickness measured on sections. (F) Number of leukocytes in auricular lymph nodes and (G) ear skin. (H) Representative plots of skin neutrophils (Gr1hi CD11bhi) within CD45+ cells. (I) Proportion and number of skin neutrophils. (J) Proportion and number of neutrophils in skin in the intradermal IL‐23 injection model. (B), (H), (I), data from one representative experiment (n = 5 for each independent experiment). (C−G), (J), data pooled from two independent experiments (n = 6−10). Mean and SD shown. Analyzed using unpaired t‐tests (for two groups of data, (B), (C), (F)) or Brown−Forsythe and Welch analysis of variance (for >2 groups of data, [E, G, I, J]) with Dunnett's test. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.