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. 2022 May 10;53:102331. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2022.102331

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7

CBS knockdown suppresses tumor growth and tumor angiogenesis in colon and ovarian cancer. Effects of CBS knockdown on colon cancer xenografts: A) tumor growth rate from shNT (nontargeting shRNA control) and CBS knockdown (shCBS) groups. Data are shown as mean ​± ​SEM from n ​= ​6 mice, ∗p ​< ​0.05 compared to shRNA control. The panel was redrawn from data presented in Ref. [6]. B) Photomicrographs of representative sections (10 μm) from shNT and shCBS xenografts showing CD31-positive blood vessels (brown). Arrows indicate larger vessels and bracket indicates areas of necrosis with shCBS xenograft. The panel was redrawn from data presented in Ref. [6]. C) CD31-positive blood vessel density quantification in HCT116 tumor xenografts. Data are shown as mean ​± ​SEM from n ​= ​6 mice, ∗∗p ​< ​0.01 compared to shRNA control. The panel was redrawn from data presented in Ref. [6]. D) Average area of metastatic foci in liver sections from control, control ​+ ​bevacizumab (control ​+ ​Bev), CBS knockdown (CBS-KD), CBS knockdown ​+ ​bevacizumab (CBS-KD ​+ ​Bev) groups. Data are shown as mean ​± ​SEM from n ​= ​5 mice, ∗p ​< ​0.05 vs. the control group, #p ​< ​0.05 vs. the group of mice implanted with WT cells and treated with Bev. The panel was redrawn from data presented in Ref. [52]. E) Representative images of CD31 immunohistochemical staining in liver tissue sections from control, control ​+ ​Bev, CBS-KD, CBS-KD ​+ ​Bev groups. The panel was redrawn from data presented in Ref. [52]. F) CD31-positive blood vessel density quantification in liver tissue sections from control, control ​+ ​bevacizumab (control ​+ ​Bev), CBS knockdown (CBS-KD), CBS knockdown ​+ ​bevacizumab (CBS-KD ​+ ​Bev) groups. Data are shown as mean ​± ​SEM from n ​= ​5 mice, ∗p ​< ​0.05 vs. the control group. The panel was redrawn from data presented in Ref. [52]. Effect of CBS knockdown on chemoresistant ovarian cancer xenografts: G) tumor growth rate from Sc-siRNA, Sc-siRNA ​+ ​cisplatin (Sc-siRNA ​+ ​CIS), CBS siRNA, CBS siRNA ​+ ​cisplatin (CBS siRNA ​+ ​CIS) groups. Data are shown as mean ​± ​SD from n ​= ​10 mice, ∗p ​< ​0.05, ∗∗p ​< ​0.01 compared to siRNA control, #p ​< ​0.05 vs. the group of mice implanted with siRNA control cells and treated with cisplatin. The panel was redrawn from data presented in Ref. [7]. H) Representative images of CD31 immunohistochemical staining in tumor tissue sections from Sc-siRNA, Sc-siRNA ​+ ​CIS, CBS siRNA, CBS siRNA ​+ ​CIS groups. The panel was redrawn from data presented in Ref. [7]. I) CD31-positive blood vessel density quantification in tumor tissue sections from Sc-siRNA, Sc-siRNA ​+ ​CIS, CBS siRNA, CBS siRNA ​+ ​CIS groups. Data are shown as mean ​± ​SD from n ​= ​4 mice, ∗∗p ​< ​0.01 compared to siRNA control. The panel was redrawn from data presented in Ref. [7]. Effects of CBS knockdown on basal-like breast cancer xenografts: J) tumor growth rate from Cal51 control and shCBS groups. Data are shown as mean ​± ​SD from n ​= ​8 mice, ∗p ​< ​0.05, compared to control. The panel was redrawn from data presented in Ref. [64]. K) Representative images of CD31 immunohistochemical staining in tumor tissue sections from HCC1143 control and shCBS groups. The panel was redrawn from data presented in Ref. [64]. L) CD31-positive blood vessel density quantification in tumor tissue sections from HCC1143 control and shCBS groups. The values were determined by Image J analysis from the figures shown in K). Data are shown as mean ​± ​SEM, ∗∗p ​< ​0.01 compared to control. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)