Figure 4. Adolescent intermittent ethanol exposure increased the apical dendritic complexity in pyramidal neurons within the orbital frontal cortex (OFC).
(A) Representative image of the apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons in the OFC (middle left: 5x objective; bottom left: 20x objective; Scale bar = 25 μm) in OFC. The tracing demonstrates the ordered branches and the arrow shows the order 5. The right image is then magnified to a 100x objective (oil lens) in order to determine the spine density and phenotype (example spine phenotype classifications; Scale bar = 10 μm). (B) Sholl analysis revealed that AIE increased the number of dendritic branches, close to the soma for males and away from the soma for females. (C) Dendritic length was not affected by AIE. (D) Spine density was affected by AIE. However, there were more spines of the mature phenotype, relative to the immature phenotype, in both 3 and 5 order branches. All data are presented as the mean ± SEM. # represents a significant Sex effect, p< 0.05; * represents significant Treatment (CON vs. AIE) effect, p< 0.05; #* together represents a Sex X Treatment interaction p< 0.05; + represents increase in number of branch intersection; - represents decrease in number of branch interactions; = represents no significant difference.