Cytokinin induces phenotypes similar to Ppclv1a Ppclv1b/Pprpk2 and increases apical cell formation in Ppclv1a Ppclv1b/Pprpk2 mutants. The 2- to 3-wk-old gametophores grown on mock media (0 nM, A, D, G, and J) or media supplemented with low (10 nM, B, E, H, and K) or high (100 nM, C, F, I, and L) BAP. (M) Quantification of ectopic stem cells per area of exposed stem. Note that M includes data from Fig. 1M for clarity. Ectopic stem cells and ectopic phyllids (indicative of underlying stem cells) are pseudocolored yellow. (Scale bars, 50 µm.) See Results for statistics from Poisson regression.