Figure 8. Pseudotime analysis suggests CD16+ DCs arise from non-classical monocytes (ncMos) that migrate into skin of lupus patients and undergo IFN education.
a. UMAP plot of 6,576 myeloid cells from skin and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) colored by origin and disease state. H, healthy skin; N, non-lesional lupus skin; L, lesional lupus skin; HP, healthy PBMCs; LP, lupus PBMCs. b. UMAP plot of myeloid cells colored by subset. Red ellipse, bridge between circulating and skin-derived myeloid cells consisting of non-classical monocyte (ncMo) and CD16+ DC subsets. Mono, monocytes. c. Bar plot of each myeloid cell subset showing the relative contribution of H, N, L, HP, and LP samples. Values are normalized to the total number of myeloid cells for each sample type. d. Dot plot of representative marker genes for each myeloid cell subset. Color scale, average marker gene expression. Dot size, percentage of cells expressing marker gene. e. Pseudotime trajectory of ncMos and CD16+ DCs colored by origin and disease state (top), by subset (mid), and by pseudotime (bottom). X-axis, component 1; Y-axis, component 2. f. Pseudotime heatmap depicting expression of significant marker genes corresponding to 5 expression patterns that span the transition from ncMo to CD16+ DC. Color scale, scaled marker gene expression across pseudotime. g. Pseudotime heatmap depicting expression of the top 80 marker genes across the transition from ncMo to CD16+ DC. Color scale, scaled marker gene expression across pseudotime. h. Scatter plots depicting scores for the indicated upstream regulators for each cell across pseudotime. X-axis, pseudotime; Y-axis, module score. i. Dot plot of CD16+ DC gene scores for lesional skin biopsies from healthy controls (N=13) and CLE patients (N=90) analyzed by microarray. j. Dot plot presenting the same data as in i split by CLE subtype and presence vs. absence of SLE. N=28, 19, 20, and 23 for DLE −SLE, DLE +SLE, SCLE −SLE, and SCLE +SLE, respectively.