Table 1.
Variables considered to be covariates in our Bayesian model to extrapolate COVID-19 hospitalizations for all 50 US states with stratification and source.
Variables | Stratified by | Source |
Laboratory surveillance: SARS-CoV-2 % positive using rt-PCRa tests | Month, state, age | Commercial lab and public health lab data |
Vital records death: % of all-cause deaths that were coded as COVID-19 deaths | Month, state, age | National Center for Health Statistics National Vital Surveillance System |
Hospital capacity: % COVID patients out of all inpatients, % ICUb occupied out of all ICU beds | Month, state | HHSc Protect/National Center for Health Statistics |
Race/ethnicity: % American Indian, % Black, % racial minorityd | State, age | National Center for Health Statistics/National Vital Statistics System |
Chronic conditions/diseases: % obesity, % heart disease, % COPDe, % Diabetes, % CKDf, % asthma | State | CDCg MMWRh Stacks/Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System |
art-PCR: reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction.
bICU: intensive care unit
cHHS: Department of Health and Human Services.
dRacial minority was defined as non-White and non-Hispanic.
eCOPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
fCKD: chronic kidney disease.
gCDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
hMMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.